{"article":{"mycbn_id":"418994","url":"http:\/\/biblestudy.cbn.com\/BibleINAYear.aspx?day=123&plan=1","title":"CBN.com - Bible In A Year","comment_count":"79","comments":[{"display_name":"Dave","mycbn_user_name":"de944047-c799-4f27-b55e-474cc23d0913","comment_text":"Thank you my Lord for your blessings. I pray for help and guidance for my son, amen.","profile_img_src":"https:\/\/my.cbn.com\/mod\/profile\/icondirect.php\/?username=de944047-c799-4f27-b55e-474cc23d0913&size=small","profile_link":"http:\/\/my.cbn.com\/pg\/profile\/de944047-c799-4f27-b55e-474cc23d0913","unix_timestamp":"1620035948","friendly_time":"May 3, 2021 at 5:59 am","comment_id":"9955716","comment_rating":"0","can_delete":"No"},{"display_name":"Peter Frank Santovito","mycbn_user_name":"4fd97bb2-caa5-4e7a-8b26-74a21b2f09c0","comment_text":"''Thank You my LORD JESUS for blessing my Family, my Friends, and I with Your Great LOVE and PROTECTION!!
Thank You my LORD JESUS, for blessing me with Your Talents, Wisdom, Joy, Peace, Health, Wealth, Prosperity, and Eternal Life!
Thank You my LORD JESUS, for healing me, for Your Glory and for my Benefit. Praise Almighty God. Amen.''","profile_img_src":"https:\/\/my.cbn.com\/mod\/profile\/icondirect.php\/?username=4fd97bb2-caa5-4e7a-8b26-74a21b2f09c0&size=small","profile_link":"http:\/\/my.cbn.com\/pg\/profile\/4fd97bb2-caa5-4e7a-8b26-74a21b2f09c0","unix_timestamp":"1588416176","friendly_time":"May 2, 2020 at 6:42 am","comment_id":"9374451","comment_rating":"0","can_delete":"No"},{"display_name":"Maria","mycbn_user_name":"5ac6c225-5ef2-4b12-b3b5-092cf716d61d","comment_text":"?For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God?s glorious standard.? Romans 3:23 NLT
Heavenly Father Yahweh, I glorify I praise and I honor your Holy Name! My Lord and my God my Redeemer Jesus Christ I glorify I praise and I honor your Holiness! Jesus thank you for your word today, thank you for I have received your blessings. Jesus, I hang into my faith as long as I live on earth, for I believe in my heart and mind you will be there for me when no else is. Jesus I ask in your precious blood, your anointing of the Holy Spirit descent upon my husband body right now, baptist him with your Holy Spirit and heal his sore and wound at the bottom of his heel right no. I have faith unto you Jesus and I live patiently I will be receiving call that my husband is ready to come home to us. Jesus I will cling into that faith, for you have plans for me better than mine. Jesus I ask that you bless my son Joshua fill him with your Holy Spirit and guide him. Always. Jesus I received blessings and answers to my unspoken prayers, you know them my almighty Jesus. Thank you Jesus for I?ve receive answer to my prayers amen and amen!","profile_img_src":"https:\/\/my.cbn.com\/mod\/profile\/icondirect.php\/?username=5ac6c225-5ef2-4b12-b3b5-092cf716d61d&size=small","profile_link":"http:\/\/my.cbn.com\/pg\/profile\/5ac6c225-5ef2-4b12-b3b5-092cf716d61d","unix_timestamp":"1556903903","friendly_time":"May 3, 2019 at 1:18 pm","comment_id":"8557367","comment_rating":"0","can_delete":"No"},{"display_name":"Peter Frank Santovito","mycbn_user_name":"4fd97bb2-caa5-4e7a-8b26-74a21b2f09c0","comment_text":"CHECK YOUR BELIEF SYSTEMS!
Q. Do you believe Jesus still heals today?
A. My Answer is Yes, I know Jesus still heals today!
Q. How do you know this?
A. I am a witness to Almighty God's power. I have been healed from Lymphoma. Praise Jesus!!
Q. Do you trust the Holy Spirit?
A. Again my Answer is Yes! I rely on the Holy Spirit for wisdom, guidance, power, help, joy, prayer, understanding and more!!
''Today I pray for America. I pray for our Leaders. I pray for Israel. i pray for Venezuela. I pray for CBN and the 700 Club. I pray for World Revival in Jesus' name. Thank You Jesus for loving me, for blessing me, for Your Word and for Your Great and Precious Promises! Thank You to my King Lord JESUS! Amen.''","profile_img_src":"https:\/\/my.cbn.com\/mod\/profile\/icondirect.php\/?username=4fd97bb2-caa5-4e7a-8b26-74a21b2f09c0&size=small","profile_link":"http:\/\/my.cbn.com\/pg\/profile\/4fd97bb2-caa5-4e7a-8b26-74a21b2f09c0","unix_timestamp":"1556888968","friendly_time":"May 3, 2019 at 9:09 am","comment_id":"8556922","comment_rating":"0","can_delete":"No"},{"display_name":"Dave","mycbn_user_name":"de944047-c799-4f27-b55e-474cc23d0913","comment_text":"Thank you my Lord for your blessings. I pray for your help and blessing with employment and finances, amen.","profile_img_src":"https:\/\/my.cbn.com\/mod\/profile\/icondirect.php\/?username=de944047-c799-4f27-b55e-474cc23d0913&size=small","profile_link":"http:\/\/my.cbn.com\/pg\/profile\/de944047-c799-4f27-b55e-474cc23d0913","unix_timestamp":"1556888235","friendly_time":"May 3, 2019 at 8:57 am","comment_id":"8556907","comment_rating":"0","can_delete":"No"}]}}